by NEFAB Council
On 19 September 2012 the NEFAB States organized a consultation meeting on the progress of establishing the North European Functional Airspace Block (NEFAB).
A milestone was reached when the NEFAB State Level Agreement was signed in Tallinn on 4 June 2012. It will enter into force 30 days after ratification by all the States involved. Approval by the Parliaments and ratification are expected to take place in October/November.
NSA agreement is finalized, and will be signed by the four NSAs when the NEFAB Agreement has entered into force. The Agreement establishes a very close and constructive cooperation between the NSAs, with clear division of tasks between them in the case of “cross border” provision of air navigation services.
Agreement between the Air Navigation Service Providers was signed 20 June 2012, and the ANSPs are currently developing detailed plans for their cooperation in the years to come.
The event provided a good opportunity to stakeholders to receive information regarding the NEFAB organizational structures and future arrangements including stakeholder and customer consultations, as well as decided activities intended for improved performance.
Presentations from the meeting are available below.