NEWS archive
NEFAB at the World ATM Congress 2018
2018-03-12The World ATM Congress 2018 took place 6-8 March at Feria de Madrid in Spain. It is the world’s largest international air traffic management exhibition and conference.
ReadHeads-up and Agenda: Consultation workshop on cross-border Free Route operations in Northern Europe
2017-07-13NEFAB air navigation service providers are organising Customer Consultation in Oslo (Gardermoen Airport) on September 7 to exchange experiences of cross-border Free Route operations in Northern Europe and hear customers’ opinions on changes in our airspace.
ReadNorth European Free Route Airspace established
2017-05-25Today, on May 25th the North European Free Route Airspace Programme, NEFRA celebrates its successful completion. The ambitious plans between two functional airspace blocks have now become the reality.
ReadFree Route Airspace expands into the North Atlantic
2017-03-02Free Route Airspace is steadily expanding. Now, aircraft operators can fly their preferred trajectories within the Bodø Oceanic FIR, where the Norwegian Air Navigation Services Provider Avinor is responsible for the air traffic management.
Avinor implements major ATM system upgrade
2017-02-06Avinor Flysikring AS, the Norwegian ANS provider has successfully upgraded its ATM system. The massive enhancement was accomplished on the Sunday night of January 29, and marks an important milestone towards seamless Free Route operations in the Northern Europe.
ReadNew Programme Office appointed
2016-12-22The NEFAB Programme has appointed new Programme Management Office to continue from January 2017 when the term of the current office expires. Jaan Tamm (EANS) will take up the role of PMO Manager and Solvita Maskova (LGS) will continue as Coordinator.
ReadEC and INEA visit Borealis Free Route Airspace project
2016-12-01On 29 November, the European Commission and INEA visited Finavia, a Borealis Free Route Airspace implementing partner, to see how the EU funding has supported the deployment of Free Route Airspace in Northern Europe.
Cross border Air Traffic Services implemented between Norway and Finland
2016-11-10On November 10, Avinor and Finavia successfully launched cross border Air Traffic Services across the border of Finland and Norway, where Kirkenes Tower/Approach is now providing the services in parts of Finnish Airspace.
ReadAvinor and Finavia agree on cross border air traffic services
2016-10-12On September 1, the air navigation service providers Avinor Flysikring AS and Finavia Corporation signed the Service Agreement committing themselves to cross border Air Traffic Services between Norway and Finland already this autumn.
ReadNEFAB participation in Borealis Free Route Airspace programme boosted by EU funding
2016-08-08The EU funding of €65.3 million will support the ongoing evolution of the Borealis Free Route Airspace programme. As part of this, the financial support to the EU air navigation service providers in NEFAB will constitute €17.6 million.
ReadNew milestone achieved: seamless free route operations in Northern Europe
2016-06-23As of today, June 23 airspace users see a seamless Free Route Airspace across NEFAB East (Estonia, Finland, and Latvia) and DK/SE FAB (Denmark and Sweden), enabling to plan and fly user preferred trajectories across these five states without boundaries.
ReadAirspace users and NEFAB Programme discuss Free Route Airspace experiences
2016-06-15NEFAB Air navigation service providers welcomed flight planning and operational experts in Helsinki on May 26 to discuss experiences of using NEFAB Free Route Airspace so far and with regard to the future developments.
ReadNEFAB Programme will discuss Free Route Airspace experiences with users
2016-05-10NEFAB Air Navigation Service Providers are convening flight planning and operational experts in Helsinki on May 26 to discuss and exchange the experiences of using NEFAB Free Route Airspace.
ReadNEFAB work recognised with SES Award to Borealis Alliance Free Route Airspace programme
2016-03-11NEFAB Programme is celebrating the SES Award, a coveted prize by the European Commission awarded to the Borealis Alliance Free Route Airspace Programme for its contribution to delivering the Single European Sky.
ReadNEFAB Council meets in Helsinki
2015-11-27The 8th NEFAB Council meeting was held in Helsinki on November 25 to discuss accomplishments and future development of NEFAB. Read the Council’s press release to find out more.
ReadNEFAB Free Route Airspace implemented
2015-11-12The Free Route Airspace is launched in Estonia, Finland, Latvia, and Norway connecting with the already existing Free Route Airspace in Denmark and Sweden, using harmonized flight planning rules. This is a milestone towards a seamless free route airspace across two functional airspace blocks and a forerunner of major changes in the North European airspace in coming years.
Stakeholders consulted at annual Air Navigation Services Consultative Board meeting
2015-10-19The 3rd Air Navigation Services Consultative Board, ANSCB, met in Helsinki on October 12 to consult with air navigation service providers, airspace users and staff associations on matters relating to the provision of services within NEFAB.
ReadFree Route Airspace implementation consultation
2015-09-29The NEFAB Programme will inform airspace users about the coming implementation of the Free Route Airspace at the Air Navigation Consultative Board (stakeholders’ consultation meeting) in Helsinki on 12 October. Customers will be briefed on the upcoming airspace changes, due to be implemented on November 12 2015.
ReadNEFAB Programme Business Plan 2016-2020
2015-09-04NEFAB air navigation service providers have endorsed the Business Plan 2016-2020 to serve as a strategic roadmap for further five years. The key focus of these coming years are requirements of the SES II+ and the RP2, contribution to the Borealis Free Route Airspace Programme, arising competing markets, and enhanced business angle.
ReadNetwork Manager organises Free Route Airspace workshop
2015-07-07The NEFAB Programme was represented at the Operational Workshop on the Cross-Border Implementation of Free Route Airspace, held by the Network Manager on 29-30 June 2015. The workshop examined issues and sought practical methods for facilitating the future cross-border implementation of free route operations across Europe.
ReadNEFAB Programme Annual Report 2014
2015-06-30The Annual Report 2014 by NEFAB Programme has been endorsed and is now available on the web. The Report highlights key developments during the year 2014 regarding strategies and business plans, stakeholders and communications, and Programme activities 2014.
ReadThe 7th NEFAB Council meeting held in Helsinki
2015-05-25The 7th NEFAB Council meeting was held in Helsinki on May 21, 2015. The Council discussed the NEFAB annual report for the year 2014, the NEFAB Strategy Implementation Plan and the preparations for the North European Free Route Airspace to be implemented in November 2015.
ReadNEFAB Programme sets up future strategies
2015-04-27NEFAB Programme Office organized a Strategy Workshop to discuss and agree on the future strategic goals for NEFAB ANSP cooperation. The workshop brought together CEOs and Management Board of NEFAB Programme to discuss the challenges and define new targets in light of recent developments.
ReadWelcome to new NEFAB website
2015-05-11NEFAB Programme is pleased to announce release of this new website to serve as our main communication channel with stakeholders and interested readers. ‘Making aviation life better’ is both our slogan and statement of why we are here, and we hope that you will find the proofs while browsing the website.
ReadNEFAB Council Work Plan for 2015
2015-02-18The NEFAB Council has released its Work Plan for 2015 with main tasks, activities and deliverables by the Council and its Committees, to support fulfilment of NEFAB objectives. In 2015, Council will focus on the implementation of the NEFAB Strategy, the legislative initiatives of the SES II+ and cross-border cooperation.
ReadBorealis Free Route Airspace Programme launched
2015-02-17The Borealis Alliance of nine Air Navigation Service Providers has announced the launch of a programme to deliver seamless and integrated free route airspace across the whole of Northern Europe by 2020. It will enable the most cost effective, fuel efficient and timely routes across the entire airspace managed by Borealis members.
ReadEANS, FINAVIA and LGS to successfully participate in the ANSPs IDP Implementation Project
2015-01-01EANS, FINAVIA and LGS together with a number of other EU air navigation service providers have successfully participated in the ANSPs Interim Deployment Implementation Project, co-funded by the EU within the TEN-T framework.
The second ANSCB meeting in Tallinn
2014-12-04The second NEFAB Air Navigation Services Consultative Board (ANSCB) was held on 26 November in Tallinn to exchange views on the NEFAB cooperation and the future plans, including the NEFAB states strategy.
ReadThe second NEFAB Council meeting in 2014 held in Tallinn
2014-12-03The Council adopted the NEFAB Strategy and addressed other important issues regarding further development of the NEFAB cooperation in the years to come. Implementation plan of NEFAB stratgey and continuous cooperation with DK/SE FAB were the key issues discussed at the meeeting.
ReadNEFAB Business Plan 2015-2019
2014-07-10NEFAB Business Plan 2015-2019 has been approved. It outlines the planned strategic developments and summarises internal activities and plans of NEFAB ANSPs. The main focuses are support to the SES developments, intensified internal cooperation, and contribution to the European Network efficiency.
ReadNEFAB Annual Report 2013
2014-06-03The NEFAB Annual Report 2013 has been approved by the NEFAB Council. The Report provides information on the progress of developments in NEFAB during 2013.
ReadSigning of NEFRA CONOPS and updated Terms of Reference
2014-04-01Concept of Operations and Terms of Reference Phase 2 for North European Free Route Airspace (NEFRA) Programme were signed during the CEO Board meeting on 24 March in Stockholm. NEFRA is a programme to connect the Free Route Airspace over Sweden and Denmark (DK-SE FAB) with the Free Route Airspace in NEFAB states seamlessly.
ReadNEFAB ANSPs Annual Report 2013
2014-03-17NEFAB CEO Board has endorsed the Annual Report summarizig the NEFAB ANSP Programme activities in 2013. Section 1 of the Report is intended for general publicity to ensure transparency about NEFAB Programme activities for all NEFAB stakeholders. Section 2 (Financial) is intended for ANSP internal use.
ReadNEFAB Performance Plan for Reference Period 2 (RP2, 2015-2019) has been published
2014-03-05NEFAB NSA Committee has published the Performance Plan for air navigation services for the Reference Period 2 (2015-2019).It is a part of EU’s Single European Sky performance scheme aiming to improve performance of air navigation services across Europe in four key areas: safety, environment, capacity and cost-efficiency.
ReadNEFAB Business Plan 2014-2018
2014-01-17The NEFAB ANSPs have released the update of five years Business Plan for 2014-2018. NEFAB Programme aims to deliver both internal benefits for ANSPs and external benefits directly to customers through operational initiatives (Free Route Airspace) and business developments.
NEFAB Programme Newsletter #7
2013-11-01The Newsletter highlights new initiatives and substantial changes in focus and organization of NEFAB Programme since June. It focusses on Business Development Areas, NEFAB Target Concept to cover the final airspace development activities, implementation of seamless Free Route Airspace with DK/SE FAB and strategic targets.
ReadThe fourth NEFAB Council meeting held in Oslo
2013-12-04The fourth meeting of the NEFAB Council took place in Oslo on 27 November 2013. The Council addressed important issues regarding the further development of the NEFAB cooperation in the years to come, in particular issues related to the European performance scheme for air navigation services.
ReadThe third NEFAB Council meeting held in Oslo
2013-09-26The third meeting of the NEFAB Council took place in Oslo on 19 September 2013. The Council addressed important issues regarding the future strategic direction of NEFAB, including measures to meet the soon to be confirmed European wide performance targets.
ReadFree choice for airlines to plan flight routes in North European airspace
2013-06-14Air Navigation Service Providers from six North European countries have decided to work together to implement Free Route Airspace in the entire airspace over Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia and Latvia. In FRA operators will be able to plan optimal trajectories hence reducing costs, time, fuel burns, and emissions.
ReadNEFAB Programme Newsletter #6
2013-05-01The Newsletter #6 features the Free Route Airspace initiative in the Northern Europe to connect seamlessly airspaces over NEFAB and DK/SE FAB in November 2015. Other topics cover inaugural meeting of the NEFAB Council; delivery of NEFAB Network Plan; Cooperation with NUAC; and the Test Pilot by the European Commission.
Read2nd NEFAB Council meeting
2013-05-23Following the inaugural meeting on 6 February 2013, NEFAB Council met for their second meeting on 21 May 2013 in Oslo. The Council tentatively approved the joint response to the ‘EU Pilot’ regarding the formal assessment of NEFAB by the EC, and continued deliberations over its work plan for 2013 and the strategic plan for NEFAB.
ReadDeclaration of commitment for cooperation in airspace development between the Governments of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Norway and Sweden
2013-04-13Transport Ministers from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Norway and Sweden have stated their strong commitment for a continued cooperation in enhancing the airspace functionality. By signing a political declaration, Ministers confirmed their intention of pursuing closer cooperation between NEFAB and DK-SE FAB.
ReadNorth European Functional Airspace Block (NEFAB) – Inaugural meeting of the NEFAB Council
2013-02-08Following the entry into force of the NEFAB Agreement on 23 December 2012, the inaugural meeting of the NEFAB Council took place in Oslo on 6 February 2013. The Council is the supreme governance body in NEFAB constituted of representatives from Transport and Defence ministries and chaired on rotation basis.
North European Functional Airspace Block Agreement – entry into force
2012-12-23The State-level Agreement establishing the North European Functional Airspace Block (NEFAB) enters into force on 23 December 2012.The Contracting parties to the Agreement – Estonia, Finland, Latvia and Norway – have now finalised their national procedures for approval and ratification of the Agreement.
ReadNEFAB 5 year Business Plan 2013-2017
2012-12-01The Air Navigation Services Providers of the North European Functional Airspace Block (NEFAB) have drawn up the 5 year business plan 2013 – 2017 paving the way to important and substantial improvements in ATM systems and procedures across the NEFAB States.
ReadNEFAB Programme Newsletter #5
2012-11-05The Newsletter features signing of the NEFAB Agreements by states and ANSPs, as well as termination of NEFAB project and its continuation in the capacity of NEFAB Programme. In addition, it covers Stakeholder Consultation meeting and planned projects and activities for implementation of 2015 targets.
ReadNEFAB Stakeholder Consultation Meeting
2012-09-19On 19 September 2012 the NEFAB States organized a consultation meeting on the progress of establishing the North European Functional Airspace Block. A milestone was reached when the NEFAB State Level Agreement was signed in Tallinn on 4 June 2012, approval and ratificatiton expected in autumn.
ReadNEFAB Programme Newsletter #4
2012-04-01The Newsletter features upcoming activities to formalize establishment of NEFAB and the foreseen signature of Agreements by the states and air navigation service providers. It also covers Military stakeholder meeting in Helsinki, kick-off of ATS Provision 2015 and Airspace 2015 projects, and NEFAB Business Model and its organisation.
ReadNEFAB presented a positive message to the European community
2012-02-07At the meeting in Brussels on 6 February 2012 NEFAB partners presented the framework of the NEFAB-initiative, including safety measures, operational and technical concept, business case as well as human and social factors.The presentation received a positive feedback from both the Commission and stakeholders.
ReadNEFAB Project Newsletter #3
2012-01-01The Newsletter features NEFAB declaration and establishment activities. NEFAB is well on track to be established and functional by the end of 2012. The scope of activities is transition from Project to FAB operations and realisation of benefits through airspace develepement/ATS provision, and through business opportunities.
NEFAB Project Newsletter #2
2011-09-01The Newsletter features NEFAB moving into the Development Phase. It highlights the outcome of the Feasibility Study with key findings and estimated potential savings. It also provides some basics of NEFAB, including Mission, Vision and governance, and explains the rationale behind establishing functional airpsace blocks.
NEFAB Project Newsletter #1
2009-10-01The Newsletter features NEFAB Project, a strategic initiative across the Northern Europe, organised under the umbrella of North European ANS Providers (NEAP). This edition introduces the Single European Sky initiative and explains NEFAB objectives and organisation, as well as provides information on the ongoing Feasibility Study.