NEFAB Programme is celebrating the SES Award, a coveted prize by the European Commission awarded to the Borealis Alliance Free Route Airspace Programme for its contribution to delivering the Single European Sky.
The programme, which will see a single flight-plannable area of Free Route Airspace covering nine North European countries by 2021, was one of a select number of projects recognised by the Commission in its inaugural Single European Sky awards. The awards have been established to recognise programmes that are making a significant contribution to making air travel in Europe greener, cheaper and more efficient.
NEFAB sees this award as recognition of the hard work that NEFAB air navigations service providers have put into their Free Route Airspace and in creating common flight rules together with Danish-Swedish partners across two functional airspace blocks in the NEFRA Programme. These milestones implemented in November 2015 and remaining operational enhancements in NEFAB and Danish -Swedish FAB is the stepping stone to the Borealis Free Route Airspace Programme which will see major changes in airspace organisation in the Northern Europe in the coming years.
The Borealis Alliance press release about the SES Award can be seen here.
Follow this link to read the press release by European Commission, including links to the five winners' projects, their applications, and the award winning video by Violeta Bulc – European Commissioner for Mobility and Transport.