The NEFAB states and air navigation service providers are all operating under the Single Sky Performance Regulation, a framework of stringent obligations aimed at improved capacity and efficiency, enhanced safety and lower costs of air navigation services. The first Reference Period of the Performance Scheme lasted up to 2014. For the second Reference Period (2015 – 2019), a FAB-wide Performance Plan has been developed, ensuring continued benefits to the airspace users.
Performance Review Body has noted that overall NEFAB has provided excellent capacity performance in recent years. The en-route capacity performance of NEFAB air navigation service providers has been sufficient to meet traffic requirements, and to provide a positive contribution to the network capacity performance. Across Europe, the NEFAB performance with respect to arrival ATFM delay is better than the European average. In terms of environment (horizontal en-route flight efficiency), current performance shows improvement in 2014 with respect to 2013 as well.
NEFAB is providing its users with competitive unit costs within its airspace well below the Union-wide levels. The tendency is preserved in the Reference Period 2 as well, hence by 2019 NEFAB unit cost (34.98 €2009) is planned to be 31.7% lower than the Union-wide aggregated determined unit cost, DUC (51.26 €2009).
NEFAB has set strategic objectives within the four key performance areas (safety, capacity, cost-efficiency, and environment) in line with the target setting of the Reference Period 2 for 2015-2019. The planned projects and activities are initiatives defined to ensure that the strategic objectives are met and user expectations fulfilled. Improved flight efficiency and better environmental performance is a must in the years to come. This results in a more systematic approach to environmental consequences of airspace management and airspace design solutions. Hence, within this strategic planning period until 2019, the focus is to a large extent on airspace and service provision where the benefit potential is considered to be the largest within this timeframe.
A detailed overview of the EU-wide performance data of air navigation services is available at the Dashboard published by the Performance Review Body.
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